Conventional method

Traditional pectin extraction is done using hot acidified water. The main disadvantage of this technology raising environmental concerns, is the generation of large volumes of acidic effluent that require further treatment before release. Moreover, harsh acidic treatment causes depolymerization and desertification of the pectin chains. Conventional pectin extraction factories generally require intensive capital investments and pollution byproduct.

Other extraction methods

Other pectin extraction methods were introduced in research and industry. Methods such microwave assisted extraction, enzymatic extraction and supercritical water extraction. Despite some advantages over the conventional method, their commercial application is very limited due to high costs and other drawbacks.

Pulvit Ultrasound-Assisted-Extraction

Simple, economical, efficient and non-thermal method. Studies of Pectin extraction with this method showed better yield, time and energy saving. Ultrasonically extracted pectins excel by their anhydrouronic acid, methoxyl and calcium pectate contents as well as their degree of esterification. Since the intensity of the ultrasonic treatment can be very precisely controlled, the properties of the pectin extract can be influenced by adjusting amplitude, extraction temperature, pressure, retention time and solvent.

Pulvit promoted a four year research, done in cooperation with scientists from the Faculty of Chemistry of the Belarusian State University and the Department of Physics and Chemistry of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, applying the new UAE technology to the Pectin product.

The result of this research was an increase of the content of the mass fraction of pectin to be at least 30% by weight of raw materials and 70% of dietary fiber.

UEA technology was approved by the EU regulators and will change the Pectin market with a green technology, no waste and no need for harmful byproducts disposal achieving better quality with lower costs.